Conference Program


09.30 - 11.30
Inaugural Lecture: "What is a beautiful face in the age of Facebook?"

Dr. med. Bartłomiej Kwiek, Dr. med. Konrad Walerzak

11.30 - 12.30
Planning of prosthetic treatment with the use of ceramic materials

Dr. med. Piotr Okoński

11.30 - 12.30
Digital determination of the tooth color and precise shade selection of prosthetic restorations

Dr. Edgar Romero

11.30 - 12.30
Effective sale of medical services. Strengthening the ability to recommend medical services

Daniel Nowocin, Urszula Łaskawiec

12.30 - 13.30
Lunch Break
13.30 - 15.00
Live demonstration: Demonstration of preparation for permanent ceramic restorations

Dr. med. Piotr Okoński

13.30 - 15.00
The use of hybrid structures in the reproduction of qualitative and quantitative deficiencies and long stabilization

Dr. med. Marcin Aluchna

13:30 - 15:00
Marketing of medical entities - effective promotional activities that every owner and manager of a medical facility should know

Daniel Nowocin, Wojciech Lewandowski

15.00 - 15.30
Coffee Break
15.30 - 17.00
Live demonstration: Demonstration of the use of the facebow and articulator in transferring information from office to laboratory

Dr. med. Piotr Okoński

15.30 - 17.00
Minimally Invasive Implantology and natural methods of tissue augmentation

Dr. med. Jolanta Nowakowska-Socha

15.30 - 17.00
Excellent Dental Registration

Michał Katarzyński

15.30 - 17.00
Excellent consultation and dental visit

Michał Katarzyński

Opening and lecture: Interdisciplinary treatment within the meaning of the New Classification of Periodontal Diseases

Prof. Dr. Hab. Renata Górska

Real economic profitability - evidence based management. Everything in accordance with management knowledge, i.e. the highest financial standard in the work of a dentist. Busters of management myths in dentistry. The costs of procedures in dentistry - we have it counted! Everything for you - a course for private office owners.

Magdalena Szumska

"Aesthetic dentistry with or without preparation"

Dr. med. Maciej Żarow

"How to Avoid Patients' Claims, or What to Take Not to Go to Court"

Attorney Ewa Mazur Pawłowska

10.45 - 11.00
Coffee Break
"The possibility of aesthetic correction of the gingiva through interdisciplinary dental treatment of adult patients"

Dr. Hab. Dr. med. Paweł Plakwicz

Perforation! And what's next?! What to do to avoid doing it?

Dr. Med. Aleksandra Palatyńska-Ulatowska

Lunch break
"Lengthening clinical crowns with the use of laser devices - principles and technique of procedures"

dr Elżbieta Dembowska

Minimally Invasive Sinus lift with the closed method

dr med. Dent Armin Nedjat

"Implantological treatment of patients with advanced forms of periodontitis"

dr Bartłomiej Górski

Pain in dentistry - the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

dr Maciej Nowak

Coffee Break
"The presence of a stable keratinized zone for the long-term state of peri-implantation tissues"

Dr. Med. Wojciech Ryncarz

Challenges in the field of predictable solutions in cosmetic dentistry

Dr. Mauro Fazioni DDM

"Improving the aesthetics of a smile with porcelain tips in orthodontically treated patients"

Dent. Magdalena Jaszczak-Małkowska

Introducing Aesthetic Medicine Services to the Dental Practice

Michał Katarzyński

How can an orthodontist help preserve natural teeth in periodontal patients?

dr hab. n. med. Ewa Czochrowska

The role of magnesium and zinc in oral health

Igor B. Bondarenko

09.15 - 11.00
"A system for processing tooth tissues into autogenous bone-forming material."

Dr. lek. dent. Jacek Ciesielski:

09.15 - 11.00
Th. 1. JADACH & ZADROŻNY SHOW - Stage II: Dental surgery without taboos - complications and ways out. How to master a complication, or how a complication makes a master a student ...

Lek. dent. Radosław Jadach & Dr. Łukasz Zadrożny

09.15 - 11.00
How to avoid patients' claims, or what to take care not to appear in Court

Attorney Ewa Mazur Pawłowska

11.00 - 11.30
Coffee Break
11.00 - 11.30
Jubilee Conference of the Polish Dental Club Association (SPKS). Conference and ceremonial session of SPKS

11.30 - 12.30
Do we really need all digital techniques in implant surgery and implant prosthetics today?

Dr. Med. Mariusz Duda, Visiting Professor at SSU

11.30 - 12.30
Th. 2. JADACH & ZADROŻNY SHOW - Stage II: Dental surgery without taboos - complications and ways out. How to master a complication, or how a complication makes a master a student ...

Dent. Radosław Jadach & Dr. Med. Łukasz Zadrożny

11.30 - 12.30
Jubilee Conference of the Polish Dental Club Association (SPKS). Conference and ceremonial session of SPKS

12.30 - 14.00
Lunch Break
12.30 - 14.00
Th. 3. JADACH & ZADROŻNY SHOW - Stage II: Dental surgery v taboo - complications and ways out. How to master a complication, or how a complication becomes a master ... A non-standard performance!

lek. dent. Radosław Jadach & dr Łukasz Zadrożny

12.30 - 14.00
Jubilee Conference of the Polish Dental Club Association (SPKS). Conference and ceremonial session of SPKS

14.00 - 15.30
Current rules of conduct in restorative dentistry

dr n. med. Marcin Aluchna

14.00 - 15.30
Current practice principles in restorative dentistry

dr n. med. Michał Paulo

15:30 - 16:00
Coffee Break
16.00 - 17.00

16.00 - 17.00
Digital economy. A breakthrough in management. HOT and NEW STANDARD. The future of dentistry management. Tools, techniques, ready-made diagrams that work without side effects.

dr nauk ekon. Magdalena Szumska

16.00 - 17.00
Profitable Dental Practice

Michał Katarzyński

Aesthetic Medicine

09:30 - 11:30
Inaugural Lecture

12:30 - 13:30
Lunch Break
13:30 - 15:00
Complications after fillers + demonstration of how to properly perform the procedure

Dr. Martyna Gabryjelska-Janiszewska

15:00 - 15:30
Coffee Break
15:30 - 17:00
Complications after botulinum toxin + show how to properly perform the procedure

Dr. Elżbieta Podgórska

9:15 - 10:45
Aesthetic medicine in an implant patient + demonstration

Dr. Lidia Majewska

10:45 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:45
Coffee Break
11:45 - 12:30
Aesthetic Medicine After Maxillofacial Surgery + Demonstration

Dr. Rafał Pokrowiecki

12:30 - 13:30
Lunch Break
13:30 - 15:00
Aesthetic Medicine as a Complement to Dental Treatment + Demonstration

Dr. Joanna Bielska-Gawron, Dr. Monika Goroszewska

15:00 - 15:30
Coffee Break
Innovative Method of Gum and Skin Regeneration – Atelocollagen Injections + Demonstration

Prof. Andrea Corbo, Assoc. Prof. Marzena Wyganowska-Świątkowska, MD

09:15 - 11:00
Return to naturalness - the development of aesthetic medicine or a return to the past? + show

Dr. Urszula Brumer, MD

11:00 - 11:30
Coffee break
11:30 - 12:30
Picosecond lasers - what's next? + show

Dr. Bartosz Pawlikowski, MD

12.30 - 14.00
Lunch break
14:00 - 15:30
A new approach to aesthetic medicine - inflammation in the mouth and aesthetic medicine + demonstration

Dr. Edyta Adamczyk-Kutera, MD

15.30 - 16.00
Coffee break


BOW. MED. ALEKSANDRA FRĄTCZAK: Complications after fillers - safe techniques and protocols for handling after a complication

WORKSHOP 1 (11:30 AM - 2:30 PM)

DR N. MED. ELŻBIETA PODGÓRSKA: Botulinum toxin without taboos - basic techniques of wrinkle correction

WORKSHOP 2 (11:30 AM - 2:30 PM)

BOW. MED. WOJCIECH DRZAZGA: Excess body fat in difficult areas

WORKSHOP 5 (11:30 AM - 2:30 PM)

DR N. MED. EDYTA ADAMCZYK - KUTERA: Botulinum toxin in dentistry, or how botox solves dental problems

WORKSHOP 6 (11:30 AM - 2:30 PM)

BOW. MED. URSZULA BRUMER: Lip contouring - proven techniques, but an individual approach to the shape

WORKSHOP 1 (3:00 PM - 6:00 PM)

BOW. MED. URSZULA BRUMER: Lip contouring - proven techniques, but an individual approach to the shape

WORKSHOP 2 (3:00 PM - 6:00 PM)

Dr. MAGDALENA KORWIN: The eye area as one of the most difficult areas - solutions for shadows, bags, drooping eyelid and wrinkles

WORKSHOP 5 (3:00 PM - 6:00 PM)

DR N. MED. LIDIA MAJEWSKA: I-prf and stem cells in aesthetic and dental procedures

WORKSHOP 6 (3:00 PM - 6:00 PM)

DR N. MED. ELŻBIETA PODGÓRSKA: A new approach to volumetric treatments - new application points

WORKSHOP 1 (10:00 AM - 1:00 PM)

BOW. MED. URSZULA BRUMER: Platelet-rich plasma - which we combine to achieve optimal results

WORKSHOP 4 (10:00 AM - 1:00 PM)

BOW fillers. MED. MONIKA ŁĄCKA: Fillers and skin biostimulators - when hyaluronic acid and when calcium hydroxyapatite

WORKSHOP 1 (2:00 PM - 5:00 PM)

BOW. MED. FRANCISZEK STRZAŁKOWSKI: Botulinum toxin in the correction of the oval of the face and lips ("Botox lip flip")

WORKSHOP 2 (2:00 PM - 5:00 PM)

BOW. MED. MAGDALENA DĄBROWSKA: PDO threads in combined treatments during one visit

WORKSHOP 4 (2:00 PM - 5:00 PM)

DR N. MED. ELŻBIETA PODGÓRSKA: A new era of fillers - difficult areas and safe injection techniques

WORKSHOP 1 (10:00 AM - 1:00 PM)

BOW. MED. ALEKSANDRA FRĄTCZAK: Botulinum toxin dosage and administration points depend on the anatomical structure - a new approach

WORKSHOP 4 (10:00 AM - 1:00 PM)

BOW. MED. WOJCIECH DRZAZGA + DR. MED. BARTOSZ PAWLIKOWSKI: Combined treatments - what we combine and what absolutely must not be combined, i.e. we optimize the effects and avoid risk

WORKSHOP 4 (10:00 AM - 1:00 PM)

Dr. Wojciech Drzazga + Dr. Bartosz Pawlikowski, MD: Combined Procedures - What to Combine and What Not to Combine, Optimizing Effects and Avoiding Risks

WORKSHOP 4 (10:00 AM - 1:00 PM)

DR N. MED. MAGDALENA BOCZARSKA - THE ONLY: Treatment of migraine with botulinum toxin

WORKSHOP 2 (2:00 PM - 5:00 PM)

BOW. MED. BARTOSZ PAWLIKOWSKI: Treatments combined with lasers

WORKSHOP 4 (2:00 PM - 5:00 PM)

BOW. MED. URSZULA BRUMER: Hair as an attribute of femininity and masculinity - problems and solutions

WORKSHOP 5 (2:00 PM - 5:00 PM)

BOW. MED. ŁUKASZ DUDA - BARCIK: The lower part of the face, i.e. what the dentist is most interested in - finishing the aesthetics of the smile

WORKSHOP 6 (2:00 PM - 5:00 PM)


We invite you to multidisciplinary dental technique workshops, 15 different practical trainings, the opportunity to meet leading Polish lecturers in one place on September 6-7, 2019 in Warsaw.
Workshop organizers: SilverDent Foundation together with Ptak Warsaw Expo.
Workshop place:
September 6: Ptak Warsaw Expo, Aleja Katowicka 62, Nadarzyn.
7-8 September: Medical Secondary School No. 3 for them. dr. Andrzej Krocin in Warsaw.
Duration of practical workshops: 4 to 16 hours of practical classes (depending on the topic).
Lecture organizers: SilverDent Foundation together with Ptak Warsaw Expo.
Place of lectures: Ptak Warsaw Expo, Aleja Katowicka 62, Nadarzyn.

Applications and further information: SilverDent Foundation ,

Place: PTAK

Krzysztof Adamus
Digital wax-up; complete dentures digitally designed

Workshop 1

Michał Dutkowski
Digital Orthodontics.

Workshop 2

Maciej Młynarski
The devil is not as scary as he is modeled! - that is, an implantological model in the laboratory.

Workshop 3

Piotr Moś
TOPIC I: Silensor-sl Erkodent as a method for narrowing the upper respiratory tract - snoring and apnea

Workshop 4

Piotr Moś
TOPIC II: Making the Occluform 3 Erkodent on the example of a Playsafe triple based on a construction bite.

Workshop 4

Grzegorz Piątkowski
The use of skeletal anchorage in devices for tearing the palatal suture.

Workshop/Show 5

Tomasz Ciaputa
The ABCs of Articulation in the Dental Laboratory.

Workshop 6

Place: MSP nr 3

Michał Dutkowski
Designing a frame denture in CAD / CAM software.

Workshop 7

Łukasz Grodziński
Double-sided distalizer type GMD.

Workshop 8

Wiktoria Jurkowska
Individual connector in 5 minutes - do it yourself.

Workshop 9

Paweł Pasternak
Crowns, bridges and veneers made of press ceramics using the 4PRESS external injection method.

Workshop 10

Katarzyna Subotowicz
All-Ceramic Restorations – My Passion, Where Tradition Meets New Technologies.

Workshop 11

Place: MSP nr 3

Tomasz Dąbrowski
Revolution through Evolution – SHOFU VINTAGE PRO – metal-ceramic with optical and aesthetic properties, ceramic without metal with exceptional thermal stability and excellent strength parameters.

Workshop No. 12

Radosław Marciniak
Light as an intangible element of a metal restoration veneered with ceramics. Methods of basic special elements during the reconstruction of soft tissues (gingiva).

Workshop No. 13

Jacek Wrzeszcz
Akron is a modern solution for the aesthetics of skeletal dentures.

Workshop No. 15

Marcin Stefański
"Making plate apparatuses by the poured acrylic method with the use of various types of screws"

Workshop No. 14

Scheduled lectures / sessions:

Grzegorz Piątkowski
The use of skeletal anchorage in orthodontic appliances. Types of braces based on mini implants and technical procedure step by step.

From 10:00 to 10:40

Krzysztof Adamus
Digital Wax-Up

From 10:40 to 11:20

Michał Dudkowski
Digital Technologies in Orthodontics.

From 11:20 to 12:00

Tomasz Dąbrowski
Shofu Vintage PRO - A revolution through evolution - metal-ceramic restorations with the aesthetics and appearance of metal-free works - the latest technology achievements that facilitate everyday work and improve the aesthetics of fixed prosthetic restorations on metal.

From 12:00 to 12:40

Łukasz Grodziński
Distalization Methods in Orthodontics Using the Example of GMD-Type Distalizer.

From 10:00 to 10:40

Katarzyna Subotowicz
Aesthetics - Full-Contour Work in Digital Technologies, Material Selection, Characterization.

From 10:40 to 11:20

Mgr Jerzy Konieczek
Increase the efficiency of the laboratory thanks to the technologies of prefabricated models as well as 3D scanning and printing

From 11:20 to 12:00

Paweł Matusiak
Facial Bow and Bio-Art Articulator in Practice.

From 12:00 to 12:40

For Assistants and Hygienists

Teeth Scaling and Subgingival Sandblasting (Workshops)

Course intended for dental hygienists and dental assistants.

Instructors: Dr. med. dent. Joanna Sitko-Gap
Dipl. Dental Hygiene Klaudia Porada

Course Schedule:

14.30 - 15.15
Theoretical Classes

15.15 - 17.20

17.20 - 17.30
Distribution of certificates and certificates of completion of the course

Workshops for Dental Assistants

Dr. med. Joanna Sitko-Gap
Hygienisation a step higher - scaling, subgingival sandblasting

JOANNA SITKO-GAP – Medical Doctor, Dentist

Joanna-Sitko-GapShe graduated from the Medical University of Silesia, where she then completed a post-graduate internship, incl. Surgery and Orthodontics, Medical University of Silesia.
In 2011, she obtained the title of doctor of medicine at the Medical University of Silesia.
Since 2014, he has been the founder and President of the Polish Association of Dental Hygiene. Organizer of international conferences. He is a member of the American association of doctors practicing orthodontics – IAO International Association for Orthodontics. Member of the Polish Society of Implantology PSI, as well as a member of the European association of implantologists – OSIS EDI. He is the Director and the leading physician of the JURAJSKA Medical Center.
For over a dozen years he has been a lecturer at the Vocational Medical College in Częstochowa, where he educates medical staff and conducts training courses for doctors and secondary medical personnel related to aesthetic dentistry, orthodontics, periodontics and surgery.