Use your presence at the fair!

The Warsaw Dental Medica Show will inaugurate the period of conferences and fairs in the dental industry in 2021. This is a particularly important year, taking into account the past 12 months marked by the COVID-19 pandemic and virtually complete stagnation in such events. Particularly important in this situation will be proper preparation for the upcoming trade fair in order to save yourself money and unnecessary stress. So where to start?

What kind of stand do you need?

It all depends on the assortment you have and the plan for the fair. If you want to present the equipment of a dental office, it is worth taking care of adequate lighting and openness of the stand so that the equipment is easily accessible to visitors. The same is true in all cases, be they hygiene products, clothing or other dental products – they need specific elements of the building. You can count on our support in this respect, thanks to the experience gained during the organization of hundreds of events from various industries, we will advise you on the best solutions

Don't forget ...

Often, in the organizational vortex, the most obvious issues that have a colossal impact on the final reception fall out of our heads. So what if your equipment will look great on the stand, if a potential buyer from the dentist’s office will not be able to check how they work due to the lack of electricity? These are seemingly trivial issues, but of great importance.
The same is the case with the meeting place. Fairs are characterized by the fact that they are by nature a loud event – the sound system at stands, stages, conferences and murmuring conversations are not favorable conditions for conducting fruitful business talks. Preparing a well-equipped corner for such negotiations will certainly have a positive effect on your sales.

Invite to your stand!

From the very first edition, Warsaw Dental Medica Show has enjoyed a large group of trade visitors at the fair, necessary for exhibitors. Dentists, owners and managers of clinics and offices, dental assistants and hygienists, and in fact representatives of the entire dental industry, participate every year in a wide and very substantive conference program, and thus also visit the exhibition.

In addition to the knowledge acquired during the panels, our visitors are looking for new products and equipment necessary for their work. This is a perfect opportunity to attract industry professionals with their products, and in order for this to happen, you should ensure proper communication before the event, which we also support through our channels. Premieres, presentations, the opportunity to talk with a specialist, discounts and all activities prepared for the fair are information worth sharing both before and during the fair!

Take care of your client

When a potential customer appears at your stand, you should take care of him properly. Do not let him feel lost or ignored – it is important to estimate the number of employees involved in the fair well, especially with heavy traffic, which takes place during the Warsaw Dental Medica Show. Appropriate promotional materials, demonstrations of equipment capabilities, as well as skilful communication of information about own products are a simple way to fair success.